Revelation to ponder for days!
Let me just say, right off the top, I sustain Pres. Russell M. Nelson as the prophet of the LDS church. And I believe he hasn’t done anything any other prophet would have done. In fact, everything has clearly been lining up for this change. It just so happens that Pres. Nelson has become the “change-agent.” I love that he didn’t wait for a good time, or for things to calm down, or for people to get used to him. He fearlessly let inspiration lead the way.
He has set the example for all of us.
The biggest, most loud-and-clear message I learned during conference is that I must seek after my own personal revelation and act upon it over and over again until it becomes an integral part of me.
Our church and calling traditions are often based on what we are comfortable doing. We often settle on what our predecessors did, or simply keep everything safe and status quo. We have been told clearly, without any doubt, that the Lord is in charge. We must all become “change-agents.”
Where General Conference gave us a WOW! moment, let each of our wards become WOW! wards. We have been given clear direction. Now we must use inspiration to do the rest and we will see for ourselves how the Lord works miracles among us. WOW!
And a side note: We witnessed several things that should be interpreted as miracles, especially the announcement of a temple being built in Russia. (Just think about that for a minute!!!!) Let’s take some time to digest these announcements as true miracles. The Lord has spoken. The Lord’s hand is upon His church. We are the Lord’s hands. We must press forward on the covenant path. As Pres. Nelson said, “It is our right to have the spirit every day of our lives.” By seeking the spirit, we will increase our spiritual capacity. What a blessing! What a miracle! WOW!!
Additional General Conference Odyssey posts:
Full of Power and Abundantly Satisfying Marilyn Nielson
Gently Hew Stone’s General Conference Notes Jamie Huston
The Bridge that Spans the Chasm Nathaniel Givens
Conference was a big WOW! I haven’t felt the Spirit so strongly for a while (but maybe that just says I’ve been lazy). In the midst of all the wonderful announcements the thought came into my head, “This is going to lead to ZION!” What an exciting path we are on.
You are correct that “Our church and calling traditions are often based on what we are comfortable doing. We often settle on what our predecessors did, or simply keep everything safe and status quo. We have been told clearly, without any doubt, that the Lord is in charge. We must all become “change-agents.”” Remember all the troubles I had when I was RS President in Iowa? The sisters were so resistant to change! And being asked to do more and be better. But that is what we must do if we are to progress.
My husband and I talked about how we felt that the announcements validated what we’ve felt should happen for several years. It feels so good to be on the same page as the Lord and those in charge! We look forward to serving as “ministers” and working to build the kingdom in our area. (We’ve moved from Iowa to Minnesota)
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and testimony.
Yes, Rozy, you have certainly struggled in the trenches. As the church moves forward, the members need to pick up the speed.
Yes, we must follow through in our wards and stakes! This is our moment to shine light to the world.