It is my experience that when the Priesthood is discussed, women tend to go to sleep. They don’t feel the need to “get it” because they do not feel personally involved. I felt that way once, but now I see just how involved women are with the Priesthood. These quotes just skim the surface. Our leaders have been teaching us for years how the Priesthood and Relief Society work together.
Priesthood and the Relief Society: together they make ALL OF THE NECESSARY oaths and covenants REQUIRED OF the Lord. Men and women work hand in hand to fulfill the responsibilities and promises given to the Priesthood, and to the Women, to return God’s children back into His presence. Each plays a vital role in this holy work.
“The Lord has given us ‘a pattern in all things, that we may not be deceived.’ The Lord’s pattern for couples and in large measure men and women serving together in His kingdom was established by our first parents. Together Adam and Eve labored, mourned, were obedient, had children, taught their posterity the gospel, called upon the name of the Lord, heard the voice of the Lord, blessed the name of God, and dedicated themselves to God. Repeatedly the scriptures about Adam and Eve refer to the pronoun they. Neither Adam with his priesthood nor Eve with her motherhood could bring about the Fall alone. Their unique roles were interconnected. They counseled with one another, lifted burdens neither could have lifted alone and then faced the wilderness, with all of its uncertainty, together. This is the Lord’s pattern for righteous men and women.” Sheri Dew, “It is Not Good for Man or Woman to be Alone,” Oct. 2001.
“The Relief Society is the Lord’s organization for women. It complements the priesthood training given to the brethren. There is a power in its organization that has not yet been fully exercised to strengthen the homes of Zion and build the Kingdom of God—nor will it until both the sisters and the priesthood catch the vision.” Spencer W. Kimball, “Relief Society—It’s Promise and Potential,” Ensign, Mar 1976
“Pure womanhood plus priesthood means exaltation. But womanhood without priesthood, or priesthood without pure womanhood doesn’t spell exaltation.” Harold B. Lee. The Teachings of Harold B. Lee, 292.
“Where spiritual things are concerned, as pertaining to all of the gifts of the Spirit, with reference to the receipt of revelation, the gaining of testimonies, and the seeing of visions, in all matters that pertain to godliness and holiness and which are brought to pass as a result of personal righteousness—in all these things men and women stand in a position of absolute equality before the Lord. He is no respecter of persons nor of sexes, and he blesses those men and those women who seek him and serve him and keep his commandments.” Bruce R. McConkie, “Our Sisters from the Beginning,” Ensign, Jan 1979.
“My young sisters, some will try to persuade you that because you are not ordained to the priesthood you have been shortchanged. They are simply wrong, and they do not understand the gospel of Jesus Christ. The blessings of the priesthood are available to every righteous man and woman. We may all receive the Holy Ghost, obtain personal revelation, and be endowed in the temple, from which we emerge ‘armed’ with power.” Sheri Dew, “It is Not Good for Man or Woman to be Alone,” Oct. 2001.
“The Prophet Joseph declared that the Relief Society was to receive instruction and direction from the priesthood leaders who presided over their activities. Like the quorums of priesthood holders in the Church, the Relief Society was to be self-governing, but it was not to be an independent organization. It was an integral part of the Church, not a separate church for women.” Dallin H. Oaks, “The Relief Society and the Church,” Apr. 1992.
“In the true Patriarchal Order man holds the Priesthood and is the head of the household…but he cannot attain a fullness of joy here or an eternal reward hereafter alone. Woman stands at his side a joint-inheritor with him in the fullness of all things.” Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, Bookcraft, p. 844
“While the sisters have not been given the Priesthood, that does not mean that the Lord has not given unto them authority. Authority and Priesthood are two different things. A person may have authority given to him, or a sister to her, to do certain things in the Church that are binding and absolutely necessary for our salvation, such as the work that our sisters do in the House of the Lord.” Joseph Fielding Smith, “Relief Society-An Aid to the Priesthood,” Relief Society Magazine, Jan 1959.
“Men have no greater claim than women upon the blessings that issue from the Priesthood and accompany its possession.” John A. Widtsoe, Priesthood and Church Government, Deseret Book, 1938, p.83.
“Young men, your ordination to the priesthood is a grand privilege and responsibility, and not a license to dominate. Be unfailingly worthy to exercise this godly power, which is given you to be of service. A man is never more magnificent than when he is guided by the Spirit to honor the priesthood he holds. If you will marry a virtuous woman who can hear the voice of the Lord, she will bless your life every day of your life.” Sheri Dew, “It is Not Good for Man or Woman to be Alone,” Oct. 2001.
“I will organize the women under the priesthood after the pattern of the priesthood.” “This Society is to get instruction through the order which God has established—through the medium of those appointed to lead—and I now turn the key to you in the name of God and this Society shall rejoice and knowledge and intelligence shall flow down from this time.” Joseph Smith, Female Relief Society Minute Book
“By turning the key the Prophet delegated to the duly appointed officers of the new organization a portion of the keys of the kingdom. Under the Priesthood they were now authorized to direct, control, and govern the affairs of the society. They thus became legal administrators holding the keys of presidency. Under this appointment their lawful acts would be recognized by the Lord and he would work with them in the rolling forth of the kingdom in the sphere assigned them…And keys are also the way and means whereby knowledge and intelligence may be gained from God to every Priesthood bearer as well as faithful members of the Relief Society” Bruce R. McConkie, “The Relief Society and the Keys of the Kingdom,” Relief Society Magazine, Mar 1950, 148.
“Thanks be to God for the holy ordinances of His house and how cheerfully grateful we ought to be that we are happy participants of these great blessings. We have made a covenant with God, we understand His order.” Eliza R. Snow, Female Relief Society Minute Book.
“Neither man nor woman is perfect or complete without the other. Thus, no marriage or family, no ward or stake is likely to reach its full potential until husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, men and women work together in unity of purpose, respecting and relying upon each other’s strengths.” Sheri Dew, “It is not good for Man or Woman to be alone,” Oct. 2001.
“I recommend the following to you for your careful and prayerful consideration: Doctrine and Covenants sections 13, 20, 84, 107, and 121, and Alma 13. Then I invite you to memorize the oath and covenant of the priesthood, which can be found in Doctrine and Covenants 84:33–44. By doing so, I promise you that the Holy Ghost will expand your understanding of the priesthood and inspire and uplift you in wonderful ways.” Linda K. Burton, “Priesthood Power-Available to All,” Ensign, Jun 2014.
And there are many other talks given on how the priesthood is meant to bless all of Heavenly Father’s children. We have been taught. Now we must listen and learn and believe.